About Us
Welcome to Crocus & Fern Boutique. I'm so happy to have you here!
Located in the charming little seaside town of Sidney, BC. on Vancouver Island. Crocus & Fern is the culmination of a lifetime of love and appreciation of design and for all things beautiful! I hope that you enjoy my little boutique and look forward to having you back again and again!
Opened when the pandemic struck, it seemed like the perfect time to open my own boutique. Shopping from home had become even more popular as did working from home so it was the perfect opportunity to make a move towards a more fulfilling life by offering all the things that bring me joy. I hope it will for you as well.
I have tried to choose my brands thoughtfully, not only based on style but also making an effort to support women owned businesses as well as other great artisans and brands. I truly hope that you enjoy the unique and beautiful items that I have chosen to be a part of this incredible online journey! And, as we regularly seek out new items to add to our collection, I hope that you check back every now and then to see what else we have found.
Thank you for stopping by!
With deep appreciation,
Sierra Pierson
Crocus & Fern Boutique